Welcome to the Agile Governance Research Lab
Agile Governance is a relatively new area of research, and still little explored, focused on the study of organizational phenomena related to the cycle: (1) thinking strategically; (2) establish mechanisms to ensure compliance with strategic planning; and (3) sense and respond to changes, faster than the rate of those changes in the organizational environment, in a coordinated and sustainable manner (Luna, 2020).
For the first contact follows some information.
About our Lab
Our purpose: We are working to deepen inquiry on how teams can develop dynamic capabilities related to agile/lean approaches and governance skills to respond to change faster than the rate of changes in their environments.
Which are the phenomena we are interested in? We are interested in socio-technical phenomena in which people play a role as change agents in organizations, in contexts where technology is a key element.
Research Lines
We are developing and sharing knowledge, and experience on the following topics:
Agile Governance
Agile Enterprise: Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Industry 4.0
Game Based Learning: Serious Games, Active Learning, Game Theory, Fun Theory, Gamification
Information Systems
Global Software Engineering
Where are we located?
Department of Management Sciences - DCA | http://www.ufpe.br/dca
Center for Applied Social Sciences - CCSA
Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, Recife, Brazil.
Departamento de Ciências Administrativas - CCSA/UFPE. Office D-23.
Funcionários Avenue.
Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
ZIP Code: 50.740-580